What is Bactivate 5?

Bactivate 5 is a combination of five bacillus bacteria designed to re-build soil structure. It provides essential bacteria to the soil and in turn, stimulates biological activity.

Bactivate 5 contains individual powerful dominating strains of bacillus bacteria, each of which has a specific function within biology. When active, these functions can assist in the reduction of chemicals and chemical fertilisers, improve the immune function of the tree/plant, improve the soil structure, increase crop yield and improve the overall quality of the crop.

For best results, Bactivate 5 should be used in conjunction with Bactivate BioBoost, Bactivate BioBoost Enhance and Bactivate Seaweed.

Key benefits of Bactivate 5 include:

  • improves nutrient uptake leading to a reduction in fertiliser requirements,

  • solubilises soil bound phosphorous and potassium and makes it available for plant consumption,

  • converts atmospheric nitrogen into plant available forms,

  • improves plant structure leading to improved pest and disease resistance,

  • offsets damage and aids recovery from environmental factors such as drought, heat, frost and wind,

• regulates soil pH at the root zone for optimal plant performance,

• rapidly decomposes organic matter in the soil,

• improves plant growth rates naturally,

reduce heavy metals, pesticide and herbicide residuals in soil,

• assists the plant to suppress attack from soil pathogens.

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